Who are God’s teachers?
A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one.
His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow,somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else’s.
Once he has done that, his road is established and his direction is sure. A light has entered the darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough.
He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of salvation.
He has become a teacher of God.
Meet the Teachers who will participate in the Festival!

Kiron J
Kiron J joins with ACIM students and offers support in many forms:
1-1 and group sessions, online and in person, study and practice, always with an experiential approach and deep appreciation for this teaching’s power to show us how to heal our minds.
Please visit kironj.com for more details.
What does Omega- Expand your Magnitude mean to you?
‘The instant in which magnitude dawns upon you is but as far away as your desire for it’ (T15.4.2:2). To me, expanding our magnitude means expanding our desire and willingness to remember the power and glory that we truly are as Children of God.
Title of the lecture:
It is impossible to be little!
Title of the workshop:
Only holiness can content us

Rania Chatzitheodorou
I was born into this world only to succeed in achieving freedom from all suffering and all that it brings with it.
There is no room in me for anything else but joy and freedom from fear.
I am in the Heart of Love.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
To find the courage to open the Gate and enter where you forgot you belonged all along.
To join Him in the circle and realize how attracted you are to your need for innocence over dreaming.
Passing through the Ω the pain automatically ends in an instant.
We have already accomplished it, we can now celebrate with joy.
Title of the lecture:
“What must I sacrifice to find God?”
Title of the workshop:
“Find the Eternal Newness within you”

Manuela Tornow
Manuela has been teaching the Course in Miracles in a very practical way since 2004. She trains teachers, accompanies students in intensive training groups and speaks regularly at festivals and conferences. She is the author of several books and co-translated the original edition of the ACIM in 2017-2019.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
There is no end to growth until we reach our full creative power and expand only truth, beauty and goodness. In the beginning Christ ALPHA and in the end Christ OMEGA – that is a whole cycle. Then we need neither time nor space for our learning.
Title of the lecture:
“The real and the unreal of the world.”
Title of the workshop:
“The ever so practical reconciliation/atonement plan”

Sonja Simon
Sonja lives and works in Germany, has a background in bodywork and applies the truth of ACIM on what she finds in her mind and under her hands.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
a natural state of being, when I am willing to share and stop withholding from my brothers…
Title of the lecture:
“Love over fear”
Title of the workshop:
“Trust my brother”

Kornilia Nikoleri
Kornilia has dedicated herself as a friend, a sister, a student and a healer to expanding the light and the transformative power of miracle that the Course teaching offers directing to immediate experience through personal sessions, in groups, organizing seminars, retreats and the ACIM Festival in Greece.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
Omega is not an ending, it is the remembrance of the Beginning, of your true Origin, of your Creation.
Omega is the eternally open portal, through which you now enter into your awareness and through which you are ever expanding into the Supreme.
Title of the workshop:
“Commit to your Magnitude”

Bella Cohen
Having lived in a strict traditional family environment, from a very early age I began to have existential questions such as “Why am I here and who is the Creator.” This is how I first came into contact with Jesus through the New Testament which I studied. But after several years, I felt I was missing God the Father of Love and not the punishing God to whom I had to atone every time I made a mistake. So in 2007 the Course in Miracles appeared in my life and I started studying. I consider them psychotherapy, because every idea of the Course needs to be experienced. That is why I use as an auxiliary tool, the method of Family Constellation, in which I have been immersed for many years now, where everything can be seen gently and up to the point where the soul consents for forgiveness to occur.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
“My soul, now that the journey is over and all the veils that covered you are gone, you can shine clear with your Light and expand, for you have begun to remember Your Infinity!”
Title of the workshop:
“The Soul remembers again its Origin and expands its Magnitude.”

Andreas Pröhl
Andreas lives the gratitude of learning. Why? Because learning with our elder brother Jesus opens up wonderful gifts in every situation, where before there were fear and limitations. He teaches His new vision in workshops, groups and organizes festivals.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
OMEGA / Expand your Magnitude is a call to you, to me, to everyone who has recognized the truth, to give up illusions forever. For a small moment in time we meet and see that our actions bless everything we touch. Healing everything we look at. Recognizing everyone as ourselves and joyfully welcoming them home to the source of life here and now. No death will be feared because it was a dream. Guilt is no longer bowed to because we have laughed it away as unreal. All that remains is the present certainty that He loves us and has led us home to Himself.
Title of the lecture:
“Remembering the light of the Omega Point.”
Title of the workshop:
“Remembering Who You Are in the Omega of the World and the Sky.”

Paul Jones
For the past 35 years Paul has explored and expanded the somatic approach to body balance through Breathwork, learning from some of the founders of this modality and incorporating science and psychology to this primal approach, bringing balance to body mind and spirit and has had the blessing to offer trainings and seminars world wide. Peace begins within with our balanced breath
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
The concept of expansion I hold close to my heart. Every time I challenge a fear or perception’s validity I give more freedom and space within myself, only to embrace that it is the magnitude of my greatness that I fear most
Title of the workshop :
“Breathe into your greatness”

Nikos Koliousis
Everything comes and goes, everything is temporary. Between this ‘come and go’ the moment arises, the Source of Creation.
As an observer of this constant movement, Nikos is making music and Soundscapes using acoustic and electronic instruments, the voice, sounds of the environment, manufactures musical instruments, organizing experientially workshops and researching in the healing properties of Sound.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
Give yourself the opportunity to meet you, to see you, to feel you.
Title of the workshop:
Elements/Workshop of Music Creation and Improvisation

Afroditi Anagnostopoulou
Student and teacher of the Course in Miracles
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
“I take a position in the View of Reality.”
Title of the lecture:
“From the poor estimation of yourself, to the Greatness that lives within you!”
Title of the workshop:
“Come and let us see together, the little offerings you give to keep you small, melting before your Magnitude!”

Frank Hamm
Frank temporary plays the role of a wandering Monk who is going everywhere the Spirit is sending him.
His teaching is clear, humorous and experience orientated.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
Expanding my magnitude means to face every fear, to be no longer Slave of desires, emotions and thoughts and to become truly playful.
Title of the lecture:
“Ready for everything”
Title of the workshop:
“Forget the Body for an Instant“

Andrea Hanheide και Reinhard Steiner
We are practicing together and individually to trust the voice of God and follow Jesus. Since our encounter 2 years ago, we have invited holiness into our relationship and are allowing more and more of the honesty and wit to be there to recognize that we are who God created us to be.
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
Jesus encourages us to follow him in “A Course in Miracles” and in the Bible, to listen to the voice of God within us and to be who we truly are.
As a child of God, we realize that everything has already been given to us and that we find our true greatness in being one with everything and everyone.
In these moments we are fearless and loving and the only thing is the celebration in present aliveness. We look forward to it…
Title of the lecture:
“The Will of God”
Title of the workshop:
“Miracles, prayer and the holy instant”

Volker Kemeter
Dear ones, my beloved brothers,
– I have been a seeker all my life and still am. The Blue Book *A Course in Miracles* lay unread on my shelf for 25 years until I lent it out and then started the course and seminars properly in 2018. I have found God for myself and yet I continue to seek to be in constant communication with him. This helped me a lot during my second heart operation,
What does the sentence Omega – Expand Your Magnitude mean to you?
– OMEGA / Expand your Magnitude – has ‘O Mega’ in its expression for me. Oh how great is this and that, if I can perceive it as an expression of HIM. From Alpha to Omega, from the beginning to the end – even the crucifixion was a new beginning to the life of our greatness!
Title of the workshop:
I have experienced so much healing and love in the support of the brothers in GOD around my heart surgery. Healing through prayer in GOD for a brother. I want to deepen this potential with YOU in a workshop at the festival.
I am looking forward!!!
Volker Kemeter